The giveaway has ended and winners have been announced at http://777click.com/free-gambling-book-givaway-results/. Thanks everyone who participated!
We at 777click have decided to start 2013 with a bang and give away 2 pre-release packages of a professional gambler Greg Elder‘s new book “Gamblers Fight Back” available at Amazon.com from March 12 2013.
Greg and 777click
I still can’t believe how lucky I’m to have someone like Greg writing for my blog. I figured it is time to give him a little credit for the wonderful work he has done so far with 777click in order to fill it with great content I’m sure many of you here will find useful whether you are trying to become a professional gambler or just having fun testing your luck at the casinos.
You do realize gambling has been designed to be bad for your wallet and every time you make a bet, a cute little kitten dies, right? Either way Greg will continue reminding you this as he writes more blog posts for 777click as well as his own professional gambling blog warning you about the common pitfalls in gambling, giving you tips on how to squeeze the maximum out of your bankroll and generally steering you to a right direction so you can become a better gambler and in some cases show you how to even turn the odds in your favor.
Here is the synopsis of Greg’s book I will be giving away
After reading a book about a guy who gave up everything, moved to Las Vegas to become a professional gambler with only $6,000 to his name, and went on to become a millionaire, Greg Elder’s mission was set. For the next year, he decided to support his wife and daughter as a professional gambler. He wasn’t exactly sure HOW he was going to do this, but he couldn’t wait to get started.
The odds moved slowly in Greg’s favor as he discovered the method to making professional gambling a career. Over the course of 12 months, he became an expert on the world of casinos. He investigated everything from the most beneficial tactics to the psychological warfare that is used to deter unsuspecting gamblers. In the midst of this, he discovered a new purpose for himself, one that allowed him to do what he loved without losing himself along the way.
Be prepared to have your eyes opened and your perspectives broadened as you follow Greg’s journey through the busts, folds, and jackpots of being a professional gambler.
This book will show you the methods used to defeat the casinos. You will learn the step-by-step practical techniques Greg used to put the odds in his favor over the casino. Also, you will be exposed to all the tactics used by the casino industry to get people to spend more money than they intend. Decide for yourself if these methods are simply good business practices to maximize profits, or dirty attempts to manipulate people into uncontrollable emotional choices.
Details of the Contest
The contest for free books ends February 14 2013 leaving you still almost a full month to enjoy it before everyone else. One book will go to a subscriber of our newsletter and another one for an author of a blog comment. After the winner has been announced, he has up to 3 days to respond with the address where the book will be sent to. We will do our best to contact you via e-mail or whatever contact we have available. If the winner fails to respond in 3 days, the book will go to another participant. Obviously the organizers of the giveaway are not eligible.
A pre-release package contains
- Free Shipping
- Free Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart/ Bookmark
- Free Ebook of your choice (Gifted from Amazon)
- Signed Paperback Copy Gamblers Fight Back (Costs you only $1000 … gotcha … this too is free)
How to win a book by posting a blog comment
- In order to participate, you need to post at least 1 comment under ANY article at 777click.com before February 14th.
- Posting more than 1 comment increase your chances of winning.
How to win a book by subscribing to the newsletter
- Subscribe to the newsletter before February 14th to participate.
- You need to verify the ownership of your e-mail account by pressing a confirmation link after you have signed up.
- Your e-mail will be used to announce more giveaways should this one turn out to be successful as well other hot offers for our members and of course updates to what’s going on at 777click.
- Your e-mail address will not be shared with any 3rd parties.
- Your e-mail address will not be used to send e-mails that are spammy, malicious, misleading or e-mails containing images of strategic parts of my body.
Good luck and don’t forget to share!
7 responses, Add Yours
Found your post via the AGD forum, and while I'm not much of a book person, the synopsis makes it sound like an interesting read. But I have to say... You may have just cheated yourself, because people like myself, only tend to read the synopsis of a book ;)
Reply to Ryan
@Ryan Well if you are not going to read the book yourself, you always have the option to give it to someone else to read. I don't really question what people will do with the book, I only hand them out in exchange of blog comments to hopefully blow some life into 777click in the process.
To be honest I haven't had the chance to read the book myself yet, I ordered my copy at the same time I ordered the one for giveaway. The second giveaway book is a courtesy by Greg, a nice guy like he is, he couldn't bare me paying a full retail price for the books so he gave me 1 extra for the giveaway.
Oh by the way congratulations being the first comment author participating in the giveaway :)
Reply to Jaz
This is a really cool giveaway 777. I am interested in reading Greg's book since supporting my family by gambling beats not supporting them at all. Just kidding! But it really does sound like a good read so I signed up via email. Thanks.
Reply to Jared Slotoroff
@Jared Slotoroff Hehe, judging by the articles Greg has been writing for me, I'm quite confident he is able to deliver with his newest book.
Hopefully I will get a few more people in the list by the end of the giveaway, would definitely make my life easier announcing more giveaways in the future.
Reply to Jaz
I worked in a casino for 4 years and look forward to comparing Greg's book to my experience. Great contest idea here 777. Thank You.
Reply to Matt Caluori
@Matt Caluori In that case we have something in common, I have worked in a casino too, only I couldn't do it for as long as you have.
You are welcome :)
Reply to Jaz
@Matt Caluori Congratulations! You are one of the winners of the contest. I have sent you an e-mail so we can arrange the delivery of your book.
Reply to Jaz
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